Treatment options for snoring and sleep apnoea that really work.
Did you know that one in every four people in the UK snores? The reality is that aside from the 15 or so million snorers, the problem also affects twice as many people in those unlucky bed partners whose sleep is being disturbed night after night.
More often than not, snoring is dismissed as ‘one of those things’ and joked about in many households. But in truth, continual snoring not only impacts a relationship but can be an indicator of a person’s overall health and well-being – or rather, the lack of it!
For this reason, it needs to be tackled professionally with anti-snoring treatment.
Here at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics, for example, we offer a number of proven anti-snoring treatments designed to help you to stop snoring and give your bed partner a peaceful night’s sleep.
But before we go into the ins and outs of various anti-snoring treatments, let’s take a look at why we snore…
Why do we snore?
Snoring is quite simply a vibration of air as it passes through the soft tissues in your neck and head. During sleep, the air passages begin to narrow. This isn’t always a problem in itself. However, in some people, the tongue and jaw can also fall back, thus restricting the airway further.
When this happens, the snorer begins to draw air in at a higher velocity in order to compensate. Increasing air supply in this way to feed the body with oxygen results in tissue vibration, more commonly known as snoring.
While virtually everyone snores at some point or other, chronic snorers – e.g., those who snore nightly for long periods of time, may have a more serious condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – OSA.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – What is it?
Obstructive sleep apnoea is the most common form of sleep apnoea and occurs when the airway is blocked sufficiently enough to make the snorer wake up gasping for breath. This can happen hundreds of times a night, leaving the snorer feeling exhausted.
While the condition itself isn’t life-threatening, the tiredness caused by continually being in a state of sleep and awakening can lead to all sorts of health problems, including:
- Heart strain.
- High blood pressure.
- Irregular heart rhythms.
- Severe fatigue puts you at greater risk of having an accident.
Something as innocuous as snoring shouldn’t be taken lightly. As a result, we advise seeking help. But who do you turn to?
Why visit a dentist?
Modern dentists are trained to look at the bigger picture. That means not only your teeth and gums but the mouth, neck, and face too. They have a comprehensive understanding of the anatomical and physiological makeup of these areas and, as such, are perfectly positioned to help.
Here at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics, for example, we offer several treatments, including an antisnoring mouthguard and an anti-snoring mouthpiece, designed to keep the airway clear so breathing can resume easily.
Everyone’s mouth is different, and therefore, all our mandibular advancement devices or tongue stabilising devices are custom-made to fit and are very discreet. Made from the latest medical-grade materials, our lightweight devices are built to last.
Simply pop it in before bed and wear it during sleep. The jaw and tongue remain in a recovery position enabling the airway to be kept open. This, in turn, means that any vibrations from narrow airways are greatly reduced.
Ultimately, when you awake, both you and your bed partner will have had a better and restful night’s sleep.
How does our anti-snoring treatment work?
Our mandibular advancement splint, for example, is designed to keep the jaw forward when the patient is sleeping. In doing so, it tightens up the soft tissues, opening up the upper airway passage.
Alternatively, and as the name suggests, our tongue stabilising devices are designed to prevent the tongue from falling back across the airway during sleep. Both are lightweight, discreet, and comfortable to wear.
Prevention, prevention, prevention!
An important point to note is that both our anti-snoring mouthguard and anti-snoring mouthpiece act as a preventative rather than a cure. In other words, they prevent the act of snoring but won’t stop your snoring problem altogether.
Instead, did you know that there are also a whole heap of subtle lifestyle changes that you can take to help you cure yourself from snoring?
These include lifestyle changes such as:
- Sleeping on your side – this prevents the jaw and tongue from falling back.
- Regular daily exercise – which can help to strengthen the muscles needed to breathe.
- Losing weight – Just a small amount of weight loss may be enough to help eradicate excess fatty tissue, particularly around the neck and throat, which may otherwise contribute towards snoring.
Drinking less alcohol and cutting down or quitting smoking have a role to play in effective anti-snoring treatment. Sometimes even making these few minor lifestyle tweaks can put an end to your snoring problem once and for all.
Our advice
If you know that you’re a chronic snorer or your partner continuously tells you to stop snoring, then you should be looking to take action. Long-term chronic snoring can be problematic, so don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
That action should involve a combination of making subtle lifestyle changes to aid a peaceful night’s sleep and/or talking to a professional dentist about helping you with anti-snoring treatment.
If you’re concerned about snoring and feel that you want to do something about it, come and talk to the team at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics. We believe in caring for the whole body, and more often than not, this starts with the mouth.
How do I know if I snore?
It’s hard to know yourself if you snore. Even if you wake yourself up during the night, it can be tricky to associate this with a snoring condition. So usually, it’s down to your bed partner to tell you if you snore.
Generally speaking, though, you are more inclined to snore if:
- You smoke.
- Drink heavily.
- You have a cold or suffer from hay fever.
- You are overweight.