When it comes to dental hygiene for children or dental treatment for children, the earlier you can get your child inspired to embrace oral habits, the better.
In fact, at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics, we strongly encourage you to bring your child to the dentist for bi-annual check-ups as early as possible. As they become introduced to a dentist from an early age, it enables them to get fully used to the sights and sounds of a dental clinic while at the same time building up a trusting relationship with their dentist. This way, if and when a child needs treatment, it makes children’s dental care a whole lot easier.
The earlier, the better
The importance of good dental health can never be underestimated as it becomes the cornerstone of experiencing good overall health. For this reason, dental visits should start from a very early age. In order to encourage early participation from parents and because Shi Karim and the team want to give your child’s teeth the very healthiest start for the future, we offer free dental treatment for children under the age of three if a parent is on the plan.
Child-friendly team
At our dentist in Manchester, we know that for many adults, a simple visit to the dentist can be daunting. Some even suffer fears and phobias that might have stemmed from a bad experience they once had when they visited the dentist as a child themselves. For this reason, we understand the importance of making your child feel as relaxed as possible. By eradicating the sterile clinical environment in favour of a relaxing, patient-friendly practice and by adopting a non-forceful approach whereby we won’t push a child into doing anything they don’t want to do, we believe that they’ll have an all-around better dental experience.
A word about tooth decay treatment
Did you know that according to statistics, over 30,000 children under the age of 12 visited the hospital for tooth extractions last year? It’s also been proven that if a child learns the importance of caring for their teeth at an early age, there’s an 89% chance that they’ll be free from tooth decay at the age of 15. These statistics emphasise just how important early good oral health habits can become.
Children’s dentist in Manchester
Our highly skilled team are used to working with children, so whether it’s dental hygiene for children or dental treatment for children, we make sure your children’s dental care is as enjoyable and as stress-free as possible. To book an appointment for your child, visit our website at www.cheadlehulmedental.com or contact us directly at 0161 486 0743. We look forward to welcoming both you and your siblings. Children under 3 years of age are seen for free if a parent is on the plan.
Click here to view our Children’s Dental Plan (ages 3-18) – £6 per month.