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Porcelain Lumineers in Manchester

At Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics, we are proud to be a Lumineers-certified practice.

Shi Karim is our Lumineers practitioner who takes pride in giving his patients the ultimate smile makeover.

Is Lumineers better than veneers?

Lumineers are a special form of veneers manufactured by an American company, Cerinate. Lumineers are made from a patented form of cerinate porcelain, which is much thinner than traditional porcelain veneers but offers sturdy protection for your teeth.

Lumineers, like other types of veneer, can create a completely new look and give you the smile you’ve always wanted. As with traditional veneers, Lumineers are fixed to the surface of existing teeth. However, unlike other veneers, very little preparation is required for Lumineers because the porcelain is so thin, and this also means that the existing teeth remain almost entirely intact, which makes the treatment reversible.

Lumineers are often known as contact lenses for teeth because the veneer is roughly the same thickness as a contact lens. Lumineers are versatile and can transform even the most unattractive of smiles. Lumineers can cover over stained and discoloured teeth, cover gaps between the teeth and disguise chipped and worn teeth.

How long do Lumineers last?

Lumineers can be durable for up to 20 years.

They produce incredible results, and the procedure is quick and comfortable. In just a matter of weeks, you can completely transform the look of your smile. Our professional team at Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics would be more than happy to show you how Lumineers can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

For more information regarding this treatment
Contact us or Call 0161 486 0743
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When it comes to a friendly, caring, and professional dentist in Cheadle Hulme, you won’t find better than Cheadle Hulme Dental and Cosmetics. Why not book an appointment by contacting us directly at 0161 486 0743? We look forward to welcoming you.

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